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Every Country of the world will speak Sanskrit, Sanskrit Mahanayk Maharishi Aazaad


International Brand Ambassador of Sanskrit Maharishi Aazaad

Sanskrit Mahanayak Maharishi Aazaad at Birmingham , UK

Vishwa Sahitya Parishad along with Kamini Dube, for spreading the Sanskrit Language globally, made The World’s first mainstream Sanskrit Feature Film Aham Brahmasmi and did its historic promotion worldwide. Which Was Written, Edited & Directed By Student Of Military School Maharishi Aazaad.

Maharishi Aazaad chanting Hanuman Chalisa at Oxford Street, London

The Seminar will be witnessed by Lakhs of people online and thousands of people will be present in the Stadium. The Biggest Sanskrit Seminar of The World will be organised in the month of February 2021 from New Delhi, India This biggest & historical Sanskrit seminar of world organized in the presence of Thousands of people including students and Sanskrit Scholars and the online presence of Lakhs of people from all the top Indian university & Institute along with International Sanskrit Universities. Maharishi Aazaad, his team, also thousands of Sanskrit Devotees and enthusiastic students and teachers are preparing for this Mega Event.

International Brand Ambassador Of Sanskrit Maharishi Aazaad with his Fans

It will be the biggest Vishwa Sanskrit Maha sammelan till date, which will be organized by Vishwa Sahitya Parishad in New Delhi. The seminar will include scholars from every part of the World.​



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